Converting customer-owned roll stock to sheets and narrower rolls.

Dual knife sheeters provide a clean, dust free cut on paperboard calipers as low as .008 with the following specifications:

  • Length: 10" to 70"
  • Width: 12" to 60"

Guillotine trimming is available for sizes outside these specifications as well as die cutting services for industrial applications.

Skids with picture frame tops are custom built, include a moisture barrier and are stretch wrapped and banded.

Slitting & Rewinding…

Two Webco winders provide custom converting of substrates ranging from 10# paper up to .040 Chipboard, according to the following specifications:

  • Parent Roll Widths: 10" to 84"
  • Finished Roll Widths: 3" to 84"
  • Parent & Finished Roll Maximum Diameter: 84"
  • Parent & Finished Roll Core Sizes: 3" up to 16"

Applications include:

  • Roll salvage due to water and transit damage
  • Roll modification due to production flaws
  • Ribbons for core stock
  • Repurposing aged inventory
  • Food and beverage packaging
  • Web-fed printing including narrow web
"You (W.E. Slitt & Sheet) are wonderful to work with!"
- LTI Printing